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Clean for the holidays: I would like to have family over for Thanksgiving but my house is Dirty. 

How do I get my house clean and acceptable for visitors such as my family for the upcoming Holidays? I would like to have family over for Thanksgiving (and or Christmas), but my house is Dirty.  The first step is to realize you need to do something different than you are presently doing.  Everyone has

Clean for the holidays: I would like to have family over for Thanksgiving but my house is Dirty.  Read More »

A Great Clean Tampa Bay joins ISSA

A Great Clean Tampa Bay Joins ISSA, Worldwide Cleaning Association

(Tampa Bay, FL) –A Great Clean Tampa Bay joined ISSA, the worldwide cleaning industry association. By becoming a member of this professional organization, A Great Clean Tampa Bay staff will have access to high-quality information, education, and networking opportunities. A Great Clean Tampa Bay joins more than 7,000 residential cleaning, distributor, manufacturer, building service contractor,

A Great Clean Tampa Bay Joins ISSA, Worldwide Cleaning Association Read More »

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